We all have routines. Perhaps it’s that Sunday evening shower where we give ourselves a deep clean: condition our hair, sport a face mask, or exfoliate from head to toe. We have routines for exercise, work, and our social lives, all focused on keeping us healthy and happy. But what about our sexual health? This needs attention too. And while the thought of sexual health may seem abstract, there is a lot that you can do to develop a healthy routine. Here are five ways to create a sexual health routine to help you feel your best.
Our bodies go through different stages each month. Track your moods, cycle (if you have one), and changes in libido. See if you can spot any patterns. If you had sex this month, write down what you liked or disliked. Was there something particularly enjoyable? Jot it down.
Experience Touch
Not every touch has to lead to sex. Try connecting with your partner on another level by hugging, giving each other a gentle massage, or simply holding hands while taking a stroll. It’s amazing what the power of touch can do. And you just might end up feeling more connected.
Pump Yourself Up
Affirmations are words and phrases you say out loud as a form of emotional support and encouragement. And while we might think of things like, “I am successful” or “I am smart,” you can also try out sexual affirmations to help take charge of your sexuality. Try “My body is made for pleasure” or “I am a sexual being worthy of love.” It might sound silly, but proclaiming your true self is empowering.
Remember Protection
If you are sexually active, make sure you are using protection. Sexually transmitted diseases are extremely common – so common that by age 25, most people have had at least one. But you can save yourself from being one of the estimated 20 million newly infected each year. If you suspect that something is wrong, see a doctor. Nearly all STIs are treatable.
Take some time each week to do something for yourself. Destressing is important to your mental, emotional, and sexual health. It’s hard to be intimate when your mind is racing. Practice breathing exercises, take a yoga class, or listen to a meditation.