Call 202-741-7692 for telehealth services.

DC Health and
Wellness Center

77 P Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Monday | 9:00 am to 2:30 pm |
Tuesday | 9:00 am to 2:30 pm |
Wednesday | 9:00 am to 2:30 pm |
Thursday | 9:00 am to 11:15 am |
Friday | 9:00 am to 2:30 pm |
DC Health and Wellness Center will be closed on 12/24/21 and 12/31/21
By Foot/Bike
The entrance to the DC Health and Wellness center is located on P Street across from the Mobil gas station, to the left of the parking lot when you are facing the building.
By Bus
90 or 92 bus to Florida Ave & P St. NE 96 bus to New Jersey Ave NW & P St. NW
By Car
Paid street parking and paid garage parking are available near the building.
Meet Our Staff
The DC Health and Wellness Center is home to a team of doctors, nurses and health professionals who have your best interest at heart. Meet our team of providers:

Dawn Dandy

Agnes Animashaun

Jason Beverley

Rachel Harold

Amanuel Rosario
Are you a medical professional or engaged citizen interested in volunteering? Fill out our form below and we’ll reach back out to you.
Frequently asked questions about the DC Health and Wellness Center. Don’t see a question you have answered below? Give us a call at 202-741-7692.
Will I always know if I have an STD?
No. Some men with gonorrhea may have no symptoms at all. In women the symptoms of gonorrhea are often mild, but most women who are infected have no symptoms. Chlamydia is known as a “silent” disease because about 75% of infected women and about 50% of infected men have no symptoms. The only way to know for sure is to get tested for STDs.
Do adolescents (teenagers, youth under 18 years old) need parent/guardian permission for testing and treatment of STDs?
No, the DC Law clearly states that adolescents may seek and obtain medical testing and treatment for STDs and HIV without parental/guardian permission. The DC Department of Health will test and treat anyone 12 years of age and older at the Health and Wellness Center without parental permission.
Does my primary care doctor automatically test me for STDs at my annual physical?
Not always. Some doctors conduct a sexual risk assessment on their patients yearly. Often, patients have to request to be tested for STDs. It is important to be specific with your doctor about which types of tests you want and your risk behaviors so they can provide appropriate treatment. If you haven’t had an honest conversation with your healthcare provider about your sexual activity then you probably haven’t been tested appropriately.
If I have unprotected sex on a Saturday can I come into the DC Health and Wellness Clinic on Monday and get tested for possible STDs?
Yes, you can. But it is important to realize that it can take weeks from the time of exposure and possible infection until symptoms occur or our diagnostic tests turn positive. So, if you did have unprotected sex on Saturday and came into the clinic for testing on Monday, regardless of your test results, it is important to be re-tested in approximately six weeks, even if you don’t develop symptoms.
If you are concerned about HIV, our clinicians can evaluate you for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) which can reduce your risk of acquiring HIV.
Shouldn’t I only get tested when I have a new partner?
The DOH recommends annual testing for STDs and HIV for anyone who is sexually active. If a person engages in higher risk activities such as sex with multiple partners, frequent changes in sex partners, unprotected sex (oral, anal or vaginal) or sex while under the influence of alcohol or drugs we recommend testing every three to six months.
Does the exam cost any money?
The DC Health and Wellness Center does not bill for clinical services but will charge insurance (if available) for lab costs. Services are provided at no out-of-pocket expense to patients.
Is my visit confidential?
Absolutely! We will not share any information with anyone without your written permission, including parents or guardians. That means we can’t tell your parents, your teachers or your employer that you got tested and we can’t tell them the results. Please ask our front desk staff regarding issues of disclosure on Explanation of Benefits.
How come you ask for photo ID?
We request to see ID to confirm that your identifying information is accurate should we have to contact you in the future about your test results. It is also important that we are able to keep an accurate record of your visits. This will allow us to better understand your history and previous experiences at the clinic to better treat you. Please do not be concerned about this; remember, we can’t share any information about your visit without your permission.
What about my sex partners?
We encourage you to bring your sex partners with you. If you are infected with an STD your partner could be at risk. Further, if you get treated and your partner doesn’t get treated you run the risk of getting the STD again, from them. If you are nervous about telling your sex partner about your STD we can help. Our trained Disease Investigation Specialists can help you tell them or inform your sex partner anonymously that they were exposed to an STD. That means they won’t share ANY identifying information about you.
Do I have to be seen by a clinician to get some condoms?
No, condoms and other safer sex devices are available at the DC Health and Wellness Center. Just come in and tell the person sitting at the front desk you want some condoms, lube, dental dams or female condoms. They will provide you with what is available. Condoms are always available, supplies of dental dams, lube, and female condoms sometimes run low. The DC Department of Health recommends that you use a condom each and every time you have sex. If you are a DC residents and want to get condoms mailed to your home, please use our condom order form.
Do I have to be seen by a clinician to get the rapid HIV test?
It is important to realize that if you are at risk for acquiring HIV you are at risk for getting other STDs. It would be beneficial for your health to get a full check up by the clinicians. But, you do not have to be seen by the clinician. You will see a counselor who will discuss the HIV test with you. The results of the rapid HIV test are ready within minutes.
Is my STD curable?
Most bacterial infections (such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis) are curable with antibiotics. It is important to get re-tested in three months to make sure that you have not gotten re-infected. Herpes, HIV and genital warts are all caused by viruses, and although there are medicines to treat the infections, no cure is possible at this time.
What can I do to reduce my risk of getting an STD?
First, talk with your partners. It is important that you know how many other partners he/she has had or currently has and if he/she has been tested recently for STDs, including HIV. And, second, wear a condom (a dental dam for oral sex) each and every time you have sex.