“Rational love is the essence of the mind or soul and would exist even if the body did not exist,” said Descartes. So why think that love should only be between a man and a woman?
February 14th, Valentine’s Day, is approaching and we have become so accustomed to marketing that our thoughts automatically focus on roses, chocolates, surprises, romantic dinners. But love is much more than gifts; it is a feeling that begins in the limbic system, which is located in the center of the brain and is responsible for controlling our emotions. Therefore, love must be a light, a fulfilling energy that wants to contribute to the existence and growth of the other regardless of gender.
Beyond its historical origin, February 14th has become a day dedicated to celebrating love in all its forms. Although there are several theories about the origin of this celebration, the most popular is the one that tells us the story of a priest from Rome who lived in the 3rd century AD. C. called Valentine, who was sentenced and beheaded in 269 AD by order of Emperor Claudius II, who accused him of being a rebel for secretly celebrating marriages between young lovers.
Despite being a tragic story, Valentine’s Day is a holiday that is commonly celebrated in different countries and is usually full of joy, color, hearts, flowers and balloons. But the most important thing is that it is a day full of demonstrations of affection, understanding, blessings and words of encouragement between couples, friends and family.
The concept of love is broad and complex; it is expressed in all kinds of human relationships. The types of love can be classified according to their quality or to whom it is directed. For example, we can refer to love as romantic, self-love, love as friendship, mystical love, platonic love or love for a cause. And despite all its classifications, it is always expressed through actions, words or gestures.
We learn to love through the relationship we establish with others, since emotional bonds are strengthened and it implies acceptance and commitment. Love, then, is based on an authentic emotional connection of respect, autonomy in each member of the couple, trust and freedom, regardless of or taking into account aspects such as skin tone, race, sexual preferences or gender.
Love is neither masculine nor feminine. It is simply human. In conclusion, this February 14th remember that love is shown to people in different ways, whether through quality time, physical contact, acts of service, kindness and support, not just with gifts. Finding the expression that you most want to convey to your loved ones will be the key.
And remember that you must always let love flow freely, that you can love whoever and whatever you want, because love knows no age, religion, nationality or gender. We must begin to think that we are all free to express what we feel without fear of being singled out or rejected by others.
Let’s build a healthy world where we don’t have to live in fear, a world with less ignorance, with fewer square minds, with much more happiness and love, but above all a world where people never have to hide their love.
Happy Valentine’s Day!