Join Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Office of LGBTQ Affairs in partnership with the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities for the 2nd Annual District of Pride! This event will feature queer artists from across the District and showcase that DC is home to the nation’s best queer performance art. Tickets are free, but registration is required!
The show is open to all ages, but be advised there will be some adult content.
Doors open at 7pm.
Hosted by Regie Cabico. Performers will include: Be Steadwell, Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, Batala, Carlita Caliente, Venus Thrash, Anthony Oakes, Morgan Givens, Xemiyulu Manibusan Tapepechul, Majic Dyke + Vagenesis, and Tezrah. Special Appearance by Rayceen Pendarvis.